Free Cocktail Glassware Guide

Hugely important to the success of any cocktail is the right choice of glass. Serve a Martini in a highballl glass, or a Negroni in a Martini glass, and you will see what i mean. It just doesn't work.
One thing to bear in mind is the strength of the drink: a long drink made with a Soda or Coke - a Majito for example - often needs a taller glass than a short, strong drink like like an Old Fashioned. A small surface are at the top of the drink helps to keep a fizzy drink bubbling; a bigger surface area can help flavors to develop in the glass, as with an Old Fashioned. The volume of the drink the amount of liquid - is also, obviously, important in deciding the correct glass to use.

Some glasses, like Martini glass, are designed for a cold drink without rock of ice; others, like a highball, are perfect for a gin and tonic. I have recommended a particular glass for each of the cocktail in a book, but if you start to experiment - as i hope you will - with your own drinks, the bear in mind the ideas I've outlined here before you choose which glass to serve them in.
Consider also whether you will serve it with a straw, how the glass will help or hinder the presentation of you cocktail, and - most importantly, because you need to think ahead - whether you want the glass to be frozen: Martinis are much better in really cold glasses. Try to keep a few Martini glasses and a few shot glasses in the freezer, just in case.
The key glasses used are:

Highball - a tall glass used for long drinks.

Old Fashioned - a short, sturdy glass ideal for serving scotch on the rocks, or a spirit with a small top-up of mixer.

Champagne Flute - Currently the most widely used glass for Champagne and Champagne cocktail.

Shot - designed for drinks consumed in one go.

Martini 5 oz - a straight-sided classic glass with a long stem to prevet the drink warming up. Best for a classic gin or vodka Martini.

Martini 7 oz - good for weaker, Fruit-based Martinis

Goblet - large, stemmed glass (a double wine glass) ideal for "fancy" cocktail

Brandy Balloon
- elegant glass usually containing a double measure.

[ Cocktail Glassware Guide ]

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